
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

No Sew Tree Skirt

I got this idea off of the fabulous Pintrest site! And I LOVE how it turned out! Here is my how to version.

What you will need:

4 yards of Fabric

Base Fabric(painters drop cloth works)


Hot Glue Gun

Tea Light



First Step: Cut out your base of the skirt.

I just used an old bed skirt...I am all about recycling!

So whatever you use, make sure it form a perfect square.

And sizes will vary with that you are wanting. I forgot to write down what mine measured...sorry! But it wont be hard to just eye ball it!

Fold your square into quarters. (which means fold in half 2x)

Then fold into a triangle with folded edges at point.

You will cut a little quarter circle at the folded edge point, this will create your hole for the tree. And then cut another quarter circle and this will make your skirt round....unless you want to be awesome and make a square one! =-) Whatever you like. But I went with the round! Call me traditional!

Make it so its now folded in half. 

And then cut along one half of the radius. This is your opening so you can tie it around your tree.

Now comes the time consuming parts....Measure and cut your strips. They don't need to be perfect though. I just used some chalk and marked where 3" was. 

Now since I was using a synthetic fabric I didn't think it would look good frayed. Some cotton ones would look adorable like that but....not mine. So I burned the edges on my strips. Just on the side and edges that would show. 

Now its time to Glue Glue Glue Glue!!!

Start at the bottom of skirt, so at the widest part. Put a little strip of hot glue about 2 inches above your outside edge of skirt

Create the ruffles by pinching the fabric together and pushing it down onto the hot glue. Work in small sections because you don't want the glue drying up on you too fast. When you run out of a strip just continue on with the next. You wont be able to tell where one ends and the other begins.

Once you finished all that! And it takes a little bit so turn on a good movie...or two haha. Now its time for your ties. Get your ribbon and cut enough so you will be able to tie pretty bows with them. 

So where your opening is, glue a strip on the back of each side. My strips were about 14" each...give or take.

Pretty huh? I just had enough ribbon for 2 ties, I would have liked to do 3 so its your call. I think 2 turned out just fine though.

And your done!! Only took 8 hours!! No but seriously I LOVE my tree skirt. I will probably make a new one every year. And best part is....NO SEW! Yay! Its so easy, really. 

Here it is under my beautiful real tree. I trimmed the tree underneath since I took this picture so you can see it better now it is under that massive tree!

Send me pictures if you guys makes one!

Here is the link to the HGTV's tutorial. I believe they were the originals to come up with this. 

Merry Christmas!!

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